The Games of Honesty.

Get to know your family, your friends, and follow the only rule: Be honest!

Náš bestseller

Mluvme Spolu — The game of honesty.

549 Kč

Take your conversations to the next level with Mluvme Spolu - an adventurous card game designed to spark meaningful conversation. Featuring 80 exciting cards, challenge yourself and your friends to explore new perspectives and gain insight into each other's lives! Get ready to be inspired!

At least two participants are needed to play the game, and after a while, you'll notice that you're not even playing anymore—just having conversations.

The game can be played in two ways:

In both cases, one player draws a card and reads the question on it.

One option is for the player to answer the read question alone, while the others listen, and then the next player draws a new card and answers it.

The other option is for all participants to answer the question read by the player one by one in order.

If you feel a question is too difficult and you're not ready to answer it, feel free to draw another card. The set-aside cards can be returned to later. There's no time limit for each answer, so be prepared for it to likely take a while.

Laughter is guaranteed, perhaps tears at times, but everyone can be certain that the game will provide an unforgettable experience.

Box contents: 80 cards.

Řekli o nás

Co si myslí naši klienti

Tuto karetní hru hrajeme opravdu rádi. Pomáhá nám s komunikací v manželství a konečně jsme díky ní začali mluvit o našich pocitech.

Učitelka mateřské školypsychologist

Malá holčička prošla takovou změnou, že i její učitelka v mateřské škole byla překvapená. Cítí se více v bezpečí a zlepšila se i komunikace mezi ní a jejími rodiči. Její koktání se velmi zlepšilo a je z ní více sebevědomá malá holčička. Díky tomu věřím, že je tato hra užitečná pro každé dítě.


Tuto hru už máme nějakou dobu, dokonce jsme si ji vzali sebou na dovolenou. Několik dlouhých večerů jsme strávili na terase konverrzací nad otázkami z ní. Tenkrát jsme ještě nevěděli, že bude hrát roli i v den našeho zasnoubení. Jednoho večera, když už nám došly karty, se mě múj přítel zeptal na Tu otázku. Od té doby je mým snoubencem.


"Great game, we played it with family and friends, and in both settings, exciting and sometimes surprising conversations emerged."

Pro rodiny s dětmi

rated 4.8* in our international stores

Mluvme Spolu Kids — Questions for the younger generation.

549 Kč

Mluvme Spolu Kids offers fun conversation starters for families with kids. This 80-card game includes a variety of questions and ideas to help kids bond and express themselves. Get your kids talking today!

The questions can easily and gently open up a child who is fundamentally turning towards life in a healthy manner. However, it's important for us, as parents, to be well-prepared for these conversations.

The questions raise sensitive and important topics, thus providing opportunities for sensitive and important answers. The more honest the answers are, the more we can learn about what drives our children, how they see the world, what's good for them, and what's not.

There are no hard rules, no right or wrong answers in this game. The sole purpose is to focus on each other for a while and discuss things we might not otherwise talk about.

As guidance for the game, we have included some instructions for adults.

The game is recommended from the age of 5, but there are questions intended more for the 8+ age group, which we have marked separately. Of course, it's up to parents whether they pose these questions to younger children.

Box contents: 80 cards
Images are for illustration purposes only.

Mluvme Spolu Kids - Testimonials

rated 4.8* in our international stores

"I'm a mother of three and work as a kinesiologist. Anything I plan to use in my work, we test at home. Thanks to the Outline Mini, we've had wonderful, intimate evenings together. It also greatly facilitates working with the kids. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. "

Kindergarten teacher

A small child has gone through such a level of change that even the kindergarten teacher was surprised. Her sense of security is much better, she talks a lot with their parents, her stuttering has decreased by half, and she has become a less sensitive little girl. Because of this, I believe that every child would need this game.


"I and my students are very happy with the game. The kids love the questions. They brought us closer together and we learned a lot of interesting things about each other ❤️."


"Our kids love it!"


"It helps start a conversation with my slightly less chatty 8.5-year-old son after a long day 💙."

Poštovné zdarma při nákupu nad 1000 Kč.

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Našim cílem je

  • tvořit hodnotné a zdravé vztahy.
  • vést k smysluplným a upřímným rozhovorům.
  • růst formou hry a konverzací


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